Campus leaders ponder eLearning’s future … colleges re-engineer remedial instruction … civil libertarians question the use of an anonymous online tool to report campus incidents: These are among…
An open textbook project at Rice University saves students $1 million in textbook costs … a new business school program tackles the unemployment problem among recent college graduates…
A new online video platform enables schools to create their own private “YouTube” on campus … a high-tech patient simulator gives nursing students hands-on practice in a controlled…
When voters go to the polls on Nov. 6, they’ll choose from among presidential candidates who have very different views on the major issues affecting America, including education.
A new way to measure the color brightness of projectors, and a cutting-edge app that can help save lives during campus emergencies, are among the latest developments in…
Several leading universities have joined the open course movement in what is quickly becoming a campus revolution; for-profit colleges, which include some of the country’s largest online schools,…
Two new studies offer emphatic answers to much-discussed questions about higher education: Yes, a college degree is worth it, but yes, it's the middle-class that's getting particularly squeezed…
A new way to measure the brightness of colors; the ability to recognize inputs from any source, and not just a computer; and the move toward more lamp-free…