The latest technology tips, tools and innovative best practices schools are using every day to improve learning.
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IT Campus Leadership
Good morning, !*firstname*!–check out these top stories online!
How to maintain the balance between security and privacy
It Is possible to maintain trust in the institution and allow users to explore safely
6 big-impact technologies on the higher-ed horizon
Annual report details short-and long-term technologies, trends that will impact higher education in the next 5 years
Suite of 8 digital badges highlights 21st-century skills
A new initiative urges consistent digital badge adoption
How to do micro-credentialing and digital badging the right way
In the ongoing hunt to develop better metrics to identify the most desirable candidates, employers are looking for institutions that showcase transferable (and often non-academic) skills
10 new trends defining the state of higher education
Higher-ed leaders will help ensure their institutional success by preparing for change
9 online learning trends straight from chief online officers
A new report outlines chief online officers' priorities and thoughts on the future of online education programs
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Higher Ed Leadership